Thursday, May 11, 2006


Three years ago from today was Mothers' Day. To celebrate this momentous occasion, my family ". . . took cabs to the Rose Garden or the Garden of the Nations. It was absolutely gorgeous, despite the heat. Roses [were] everywhere of [in] many colors, and there were divisions of roses from lots of different countries (Spain, England, Argentina, Swizterland, France, Holland, Japan, and more). There were ones with beautiful names (Lady of the Dawn being my favorite). I loved going there."

Since the roses did have some rather eloquent names (excepting ones named after random people you've never heard of), I recorded a few of them at the time, and here they are for your own interest or lack there of:

Lady of the Dawn


Golden Slipper

Baby Gold Star

Snow Carpet

Fragrant Cloud

Lady Rose

Rose Dot


Golden Fantasy

Gold Medal

New Day




Sierra Sunrise


Queen Elisabeth

My Valentine



Mrs. RF said...

What beautiful roses! And, what a neat Mother's day memory for you! Thanks for sharing. I love the colors of the roses in the last picture.

lis said...

Ooo, thanks for reminding me. This is where I want to take Sarah before she goes! And actually, I've never been myself. I always seem to forget it at the right time. So thanks!

Unknown said...

The roses are beautiful. I love all of the names!

By the by, I am Melody, if you remember me. If you don't, I went to a couple of youth weekends at Fairwood.

If you are interested and do remember me, my blog is