Monday, October 13, 2008

A modern love story?

I read about the evils of run-ons and fragmented sentences in writing today. As an exercise, my book gave me a paragraph, riddled with such sins, to re-write. The paragraph itself was unusual in its content, and it amused me so I thought I would share the corrected version here. At least, it's basically correct, but certain aspects seem wrong to me. However, pretty much all I was supposed to do was fix the sentences, not the grammar. Here you go:
        He looked at his face in the mirror and he didn't like what he saw. Two giant hairs were growing on top of his nose! They were disgusting, especially the top one which was crooked and eerie. He needed to do something. After all, he had a date that night unless she had cancelled, which he knew was quite possible if he hadn't noticed these hairs earlier. So he plucked out both hairs, and it really hurt! But it was worth it because they fell in love.
Oooooohhhhhhh my goodness. I'm relieved to say that I didn't write that!

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