Monday, September 07, 2009

When I grow up

I was going through a bunch of old school notebooks in the attic recently
when I came across a poem that I wrote when I was about twelve. Here it

I used to wonder what I would be
When I grew up, and what I would see
Would I go into space and see the moon?
Or travel to Africa and see a baboon?
If I were to be an actress,
Famous is what I would be,
But as I thought,
I knew it was not
The thing that was meant for me.
A spy! Should I be a spy?
A spy for the FBI
But though I knew not why,
I knew I could not be a spy.

Olympist? Artist? Musician?
I could not be any of those,
I wish I could be an author,
A writer of all good prose.
Wonderful books I shall write,
And much interest I hope they will farm,
So I'll write and I'll fight until dawn comes in bright
And vict'ry is under my arm!
By the end of my writing career
Many medals will I have won,
But now that I think, an idea comes clear,
A mom would also be fun.
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1 comment:

KJ said...

That is adorable! :) Very cleverly written as well. I'm impressed!