Tuesday, May 28, 2013

An open door

I suppose I may as well officially tell you.

I'm going to the Middle East this summer to teach English for six weeks.

Ever since I realized that I'd be doing on-line learning this past year with an English teaching certificate in my pocket, I've been checking to see if God had any open doors for me to travel through. Like a monster searching for Boo's door in the movie Monsters Inc., I've been watching the doors flash by, and I've been asking God, "Is it that one? Is it that one?"




Wait until Christmas at least--you're directing a play for the Dessert Banquet. (That was a great adventure all on its own!)

Wait until a few weeks into January when you know what your class load is like.

"Is it that one?"

Not yet. Stay. You are needed here.

And then I heard of another door that would come around in the summer.

"Is it that one?"

And all I felt was peace.

For a month or two, I just held it before the Lord to see if it was really His idea. Then I mentioned it to my parents. More peace. Then I asked God for the money to buy my plane ticket. We sought God specifically on our annual church Fast Day to provide the money if He wanted me to go.

A couple of days later, I had the money I needed.

I bought my ticket, and my sister bought me an abaya.

Am I excited? Of course. Am I terrified? Of course. Am I worried? Not one bit!

The funny thing is, I have no idea how I'm going to teach English to Muslims in another country! I don't have it in me. But this isn't the first time that God has led me to do something beyond myself. He's called me outside of my comfort zone multiple times before to join Him in walking on the waves. And that's half of the excitement: I'm joining Him!

You see, I've started realizing that being outside of my comfort zone is often the most comfortable place to be. It's where Jesus is. So that's why I'm not worried: I get to walk on water with the Master of the waves. And relying on Him for every single step is one of the most exciting adventures ever.

Yes, the Middle East is a great stage for such an adventure. But couldn't we all be living this adventure of trust here and now, every day?

I feel challenged to walk on water even in the small things. That's a door that's always open.

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