Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A psalm of praise

A Psalm of Kayla

Praise the Lord!
When defenseless,
God was my champion,
When feeble,
He was my strength.
Praise the Lord!
When my blood ran thin,
His blood flooded my veins,
When my bones cracked,
The Almighty became my marrow.
Praise the Lord!
I wrestled with my enemies upon my bed,
They gnawed,
They sneered,
Your whisper enveloped me
Like an embracing fleece,
Your Name fortified me
Like an unshaken citadel.
Praise the Lord!
His compassion is a fountain,
Joyfully abiding;
His power is a tsunami,
Sweeping and unstoppable;
His faithfulness is a quiet stream,
Steady and ever present.
Praise the Lord!
For He has bequeathed His victory to me,
He has never suffered defeat
And never will.

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