Monday, June 13, 2011

Psalms revealed

This past year in Bible school we were taught how to write psalms. Of course, almost all of us were too bashful to read our psalms aloud in class (except Daniel; he boldly read his to us, including his glorious yet extremely comical "Psalm of Imprecation"). I read one of my psalms aloud, and I posted one on our student web site, but it felt too personal and too forward to share any more.

New blog title, new blog rules! :) No point in hiding stuff under bushels, and besides, since it is my blog it doesn't really matter (blogs by their very nature are personal and forward!:). And, just like any testimony, a little extra dose of proclaimed faith never hurt anybody.

A Psalm of Kayla

Oh God,
My God,
Can you see?
I wallow in despair,
My bones creak beneath crushing weight,
My friends accuse like enemies,
Their sword plumbs the depths of my soul,
A hidden fount springs to my eyes,
Is this Your voice?
I recoil,
I drive back in vain,
I squirm in self-pity,
Then cease.
Eyes not my own behold me:
My sin leers at a sightless face,
Scales tear and plummet,
I am desperate for You, O God!
You alone can extract my sin,
Ashamed, I hide my face,
Sin's visage is ugly,
I cringe,
I mourn,
Then I release my sin,
Hurl it far from me, oh God!
Let me never see it again.
You, and You only, do I seek,
For You my spirit gropes,
You are not far off.
The weight dissolves,
Soaring upward, I latch onto You,
I need nothing else
For You are my all,
I'll pursue You recklessly
Because You are truly
My God.

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