Sunday, September 04, 2005

Concerning church mice and their funerals

The most astonishing thing happened in church today. We were having church in the basement, and I'm afraid that a few people might not have paid quite as close attention to the service as they might have, due to a new visitor, or visitors, that chose to grace us with their presence. It was a tiny personage, not much longer than an inch, with a pointed, gray visage, a humped back, and beady black eyes. Yes, we had a mouse in our meeting. Actually, as we discovered after awhile, we had two. I don't think they were very well behaved for church mice, however, because they didn't seem to be content with staying still for very long. It was most distracting when they scurried about on the stage, climbing on my dad's feet and nibbling the carpet. It was a source of quiet amusement for many. During one of these creature's travels about the room, it made it's way toward the sound person's feet. Today it was Derrick, and I don't think the mouse could have made a worse decision to choose to spread his curiosity at Derrick's feet. As I watched, he lifted both feet up as if to escape being traversed upon by the small vagabond, but then he did something I could hardly believe my eyes of. Derrick's black foot landed with such speed and accuracy, right upon the mouse! I flinched instantaneously, covering my face in my hands. I could hardly believe that he had just done that, not only that he would have the stomach to do it, but that he had the cruelty to do so. At the same time Craig was snickering softly next to me, and I could not repress the inexplicable desire to laugh out loud. We sat there in agony, try to smother the laughter that was quelling up inside.

It was still very distressing to see Derrick after the meeting dispose of a very still, if not a rather flat, mouse.


Kate said...

That's awful! Bloodthirsty guy.

wideyed said...


Cara said...

DERRICK! you beast...

poor mouse. hehe. wish i was there. anything to make church interesting! j/k ;)

Booker said...

Hey Now!!!! I was not cruel, not at all! In fact, I did the mouse a favor. Instead of starving thru the winter and probably dying a terribly slow death, I put him out of his misery quickly and[umm, I was going to say, cleanly, but it wasn't :)] now he is in mousy heaven. I mean, it was in church, so it probably went to mouse heaven, right?

Anonymous said...

Go Derrick!!
I did the same thing but i waited till after chuch. You can say that im cruel, tho, cuz I dint kill it all the way the first time. Hahhahah!

Booker said...

Excellent Jayne. I thot your bro's got it, but glad to know somebody did :)

pennyjean said...


Kayla said...

I was resting assured in the fact that Derrick never reads my blog, but I guess that small hope was shattered so I couldn't get away with my tale of his, ahem! unfortunate misplacement of his footing.

Oh my, Jayne! You are one evil girl! It's a good thing I already love you too much to change my mind about you, or it would be too tempting. :D

Cara said...

ha. didn't you think about whoever had to clean the church? (i assume you made somewhat of a mess killing that poor defenceless mouse.) i don't like winter at all either, and i slowly seem to die through it, i'm also a distraction in church sometimes... BUT YOU WOULDN'T CRUSH ME!

heehee. actually, i'm not mad, i just think you could have used a little more sense and killed it somewhere else...if it was necessary to kill it. i think you just did it to keep your cruel reputation. :D