Friday, November 14, 2008

Our amazing (haha) volleyball

Last Tuesday night, I went to play sports with the bibleschool like I do every Tuesday night. But this time, there were no second years. *gasp* Alas, all five of them were away on Kingdom History trip. *gasp* Which meant no second year guys. *gasp* And no Jane. *gasp*gasp* And that night, Craig, Josh, and Diane decided not to come to sports. *gasp*gasp*gasp* So what did this mean? It meant that there were only six of us to play volleyball (which is all we ended up doing): Mary, Heidi, Sarah, Kate (for only part of the time), Shawn, and me. Wow. Talk about interesting.

The positive thing about playing volleyball with only a few people is that you actually get to hit the ball a lot, plus you get exercise. And the great thing about the group (everyone was great, don't mistake me) was that Shawn, who of course was leading sports and is one of the most amazing players ever, was playing. The bad thing was that no matter what combination of teams you came up with, Shawn's team always won. Always. Of course it wasn't his fault, it was ours. But still.

After a few games, Heidi jokingly suggested that we try to have all of us girls (minus Kate, who had left) on a team against Shawn. This idea highly amused us, so we agreed, and Shawn was just as game. Haha. It was amazing to watch him. Of course he still got three hits, so when he got the ball he would bump it to himself, then set it, then spike it. Only he had put the net down to girls' height, so he tried to follow the rules of a guy to spike it behind the ten foot line. He didn't always succeed in being able to set himself there, so sometimes he would set it over the net, which of course really threw us for a loop since we were so fascinated with watching him play. After all, we were bad enough already.:)

Unfortunately, I don't think we fully exploited our one advantage: that Shawn was only one guy. We should have served it to every corner of the court that he wasn't, but somehow it didn't quite happen. Mary was especially cute when she accidentally served it right to Shawn and then cried out, "Oops! Wrong person!" hehehe

I think we got about five points in that game before Shawn won. Yeah, I know; talk about pathetic! But we still had a great time and it was almost more fun watching him, so all in all it was worth it.

Oh, and afterwards Shawn offered to set the ball for me and any of the other girls who wanted to practice spiking. So Sarah and I took turns trying to perfect our sweet spike. I have a long way to go. . .

P.S. If you haven't read the following post(s) yet, please don't feel like this is the only one to read, because you might not want to miss what I already wrote today! :)


KJ said...

I love you Kayla! I've greatly enjoyed all your numerous posts today! :) And I'm glad you had an overcoming attitude about the *interesting* sports night! Haha... wow. Good ol' Shawn :) I'm glad you got to practice your spikes though - that's always fun with Shawn setting!

lis said...

This post made me giggle.