Sunday, October 08, 2006


In case you didn't realize it, or you're in your own little world, it is now the month of October.

Speaking of being in your own little world, we met someone in Australia who is kind of like that. I'll call her Mary. Anyway, Amanda told us ahead of time what Mary is like. For instance (and you can correct me if I get this wrong, Amanda), you know how you can get an extra hour of sleep when you're coming off daylight savings time? Well, Mary decided that instead of getting an extra hour of sleep on Sunday night like everybody else, she wanted to get it on Monday morning before she went to work, so she basically lived an hour ahead of everybody else for an entire day before re-setting her clock. But that's not all. Another time, when there was a holiday on Monday, she decided that when she went to work Tuesday morning that she would convince herself that it was Monday, Wednesday was Tuesday, Thursday was Wednesday, etc. That way, when she came to "Thursday" afternoon, she would suddenly "remember" that it was Friday and therefore the weekend, and boy what a pleasant surprise that would be!!!

So then we got to meet this incredible girl Mary. She is very friendly, but she had hardly met us when she unwittingly proved Amanda's stories to be correct by making an announcement: "I've decided that since my twenty-sixth birthday is coming up, that I'll tell myself that I'm turning twenty-eight instead, and that way when I turn twenty-six it will sound so much better! In fact, I was talking to my sister the other day and I told her that I was about to turn twenty-eight, and she said, 'No you're not, you're turning twenty-seven!' and I said, 'No I'm turning twenty-six!' hahaha!" Oh me oh my, how that dear girl cracks me up! I think it must take talent to be able to do things like that.

Anyway, as I was saying. . . . in case you didn't realize it, it is now the month of October. You might not have thought that I knew this however, for until today if you had walked into my room you would have observed that my calendar was still on the month of September. Why so? You see I have a Narnia calendar, and last month I had a fine picture of Peter with a cut on the side of his head and looking intense, but this month's picture is no Peter. In fact, it's this black, swarthy-skinned monster with an ugly snarl stretching out his face and crouched on a rocky hill like a frog trying to stand up. To the best of my knowledge, you don't even see this shady character in the movie! To make matters worse, I keep this calendar right above where I lay my head and night, and if anyone thinks that I'm going to let this crazy creature leer over my head until my dreams are scared silly, then you are much mistaken! Sooo. . . . now I have finally solved this problem and brought myself to the current month by putting another picture from a different calendar over it, so instead of this hideous thing, I get a more serene glimpse of a pinky-blue sunset and a Bible verse on God's might. Much more soothing on your dreams, don't you agree?

Somewhere along the way in my predicament with the grotesque being, Craig made the sardonic comment that it probably has something to do with all the people who are born in that month. Hmm. . . that would be giving a bad name to Meredith, Van Lora, TJ, Nika, Cara, Pedro Martinez (Craig might be right in his case), and Amanda (plus I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that come to me right now). Do I let this slander continue? Never fear! I, Kayla, now come to the rescue to save the month of October and all those who were born in it!

Honestly, as I came to the beginning of this month and became more fully aware that summer is over, my disappointment was overcome by the anticipation of the enjoyable things that often occur October. Here is a list of but a few of them:

First though, as I already mentioned, some wonderful people were born in this month, so of course I'm thankful for all of them, including Meredith, Cara, and Amanda, for what would I do without these great friends?

October means. . .

the Dublin Rummage Sale

the Trinity free clothes giveaway

the Salvation Army sale

artist palettes smeared all over the brilliant trees

Apple Sauce Day

the Harvest Party

leaf catching

raking (which actually can be fun)

jumping into the piles you raked (which actually can be even more fun)

Indian Summer--this means the gorgeous warm days that you weren't expecting inbetween the cool ones

fresh cider, and juicy apples that don't taste like they've been artificially preserved

grapes on Fairwood's grape vine--and grape juice!

warm pumpkin candles cosily burning during the longer evenings

marigolds lending special warmth

delightful crisp mornings

shuffling through dead leaves and drinking in their familiar scent

getting to wear bright orange when you take a peaceful walk through the woods

pulling out your camera several times in a week

Mt. Monadnock seeming prettier than ever--if that's possible

pumpkin carving

candy corn


Lots more could be said but why bother? I've made my point: I'm loving October!

p.s. confession time: I'm afraid I didn't take these pictures THIS year, but that's because I haven't gotten my film developed yet, and these are from the digital camera.

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