Monday, April 16, 2007

The players

We may not have gotten to see Schilling, Ortiz, Manny, and Damon (shudder) like we did last time, but there were still a couple of stars there nonetheless. Ya gotta love them!

Coco Crisp doing his stretches
(just in case it wasn't self-explanatory to you)

(he better be worth all that dough)

Jason Varitek

Kyle Snyder
(one woman was so tickled when she got him to sign a Yankees hat:)

Players that nobody seems to know
(I'm not sure that Clyde had any success, if any of you Sox-savvy people happen to know, feel free to tell me!)

1 comment:

Aaron said...

The one on the far right is my favorite player, Kyle Jackson!!!! I'm so excited you got to see him play! You don't know who he IS?

OK, I just know because you can look up the Sox players by their numbers, and his is clearly visible. Without the good ol' internet, I'd have had no idea, and as it is, I don't know who the other two are.

My favorite player is Jason Varitek.