Saturday, June 11, 2011

A loosed tongue

If you have been to my blog before, you might be wondering if you still have the right address. Not only is the template different, but my blog title is different. Instead of the amazing Flapping Lingua, you are now staring at "Tongue of the Mute." Well, surprise! The casual reader may suppose that I don't post very often, hence the title. That is partially true, but there is so much more than that.

I guess I could come up with a way to say it smoothly, but I'll just say it plain and straight:

I've been thinking. (Oh boy, watch out!)

I've been thinking about how Jesus commanded us to make disciples. I've been thinking about how I believe God wants me to be a writer and help proclaim Truth in a deceived world. I've been thinking about my poor, rusty writing skills. I've been thinking about how I haven't written on my blog because of a busy life and because I'm just flat out tired of writing flippant things. I've been thinking about my desperate need to cultivate my own walk with God during the summer months away from Bible school, and the need to encourage one another. I've been thinking about how I often don't like to post testimonies about my Jesus because they're personal and it almost devalues them in my mind. But I've also been thinking about how Revelation 12:11 says that they overcame the Enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. And I've been thinking about my tongue, so often mute. Oh yes, I certainly can talk about precious nothings--this lingua has no problem flapping when it wants to.

But God didn't loose me or my tongue so that I could flap. He loosed me so that I could fly. And He loosed my tongue so that I could sing for joy of Him. Kingdom living isn't about waiting for Christ to return in order to free our stammering tongues, it's about singing His praises here and now, living like He is already back so that when He really is then it will be an easy transition.

If Jesus were back, I would probably be posting every day.

So why not now?

That being said, I'm not planning on writing every day. In fact, maybe I won't end up posting any more at all. But I want to mark this as the day when the purpose of my blog is changing. I may yet tell my mundane stories or write on the hilarity of life, but I want to be ready to offer up my faith in writing as a burnt offering into cyberspace. This blog is not going to be the tongue of my mind so much as it will be the tongue of my heart. I would change my address except for nostalgia reasons and because I want people I know to still be able to find me. I have no intention of advertising this change to anyone, except maybe mentioning it to my family. If nobody reads this, that's okay. Faith doesn't need to be read in order to make an impact. If one person reads something here and is edified by it, then as Emily Dickinson said, "I shall not live in vain."

And if you are ever reading a testimony and finding yourself thinking more about me than the Savior I'm attempting to point toward, then please find another blog.

Now you know partially why this blog is so altered. It's turning into an altar.

Consider yourselves forewarned . . . .

1 comment:

wideyed said...

Cheers to this rebirth!