Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The decathlon is at an end. I don't think anyone is disappointed, however, even though I also believe it was enjoyed for the most part. Such things can tend to get a little stressful near the end especially as the heat of competition flushes up faces. The whole thing came to a standstill after the final contest, which was Bible memory. It was rounded up with Bria in first, Aunt Sharon in second, and Clyde in third. I just managed to scrounge up a fourth place, but it didn't do us any good as far as points go. I'm just happy that I did my best and it's all over with, even if it means that the SWAT team came in second and the Joneses came in first. The final scores were 127, 129, and 144.*sigh* Of course I love the people on that team, but as a group they were most certainly our live enemies. Just like you may love a Communist as an individual just fine, but you don't really care for a whole group of them united against you. Naturally if you really know me you know that I am absolutely serious upon this point. ;)

I am just so thankful that we played, did our best, had fun, and now hurrah it's over!!!!


Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Ain't it funny how beginings and endings are both often looked forward to? Glad yer happy with the ending of the decathalon. Didja have fun gettin' to be included this time?
Ya' oughta meet Ol' 'Lanche someday---I thinks you'd like 'im. He's mostly a lazy sort 'ceptin' when I pokes my heels into his sides---he'll move out right pert like then... ...he's right particular about folks thinkin' he's a Palomino when he ain't. Don't reckon I know fer sure why he feels thet way... 8~)
I misses ya'.

CKS said...

Hooray for successful completions!

The SWAT team got all my votes for the nicest, friendliest, best sportsmanship team! And that's pretty important!

Anonymous said...

good job! i'm glad that you had fun! well i'll see you soon!
luv ya!

Cara said...

Hurrah for the end of Decathlon. :D Great Job, Kay. You did wonderful. I bet you're glad it's over! But it sounded like fun..

Aaron said...

I actually don't know any individual communists I like. I t doesn't matter though; I don't really care!

Good job on the scripture memory! Each of you top-four people deserve the highest praise. (Everyone else deserves just high praise ; )