Monday, April 16, 2007

Blessed encouragement

Warning: I apologize, but this is a very unspiritual post.

Grr! Snow, snow, snow! Will it ever stop? Somehow "I'm dreaming of a white Easter" doesn't sound quite as appealing as the way the song is supposed to go.

And yet--and yet!

Hope rains.

Yes, ladies and gents, we're having rain! Can you believe it? Our five inches (it might be more, I haven't actually measured it) is ever so gradually being washed away by a semi steady pour. And the world is gray, so gray. . . .

And so I am reminded that it wasn't that long ago (three weeks to be exact) that we were in the sunny land of Florida. And attending a Red Sox spring training game no less. And since I've finally gotten my pictures developed, I decided to encourage you through this helpless waste by way of reminder that there is sunshine left in the world, and it's coming our way! And the Red Sox can usually make one happy (or disappointed, if you are of a pessimistic nature, but if that's the case I can't help you so you better deal with it), so voila!

First of all. . .

Taken at the Vic Market, Melbourne, Australia
The most prominent "foreign" jersey I saw on display
If that isn't proof that Red Sox rule all over the earth, I don't know what is!

These Red Sox hat pictures taken in Florida are supposed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy and make you look forward to seeing pictures of the game

Here's the field!
(in Sarasota taken from where we sat in the back)

And here comes Red Sox manager Terry Francona!

(hey Aaron, did I spell that right?:)

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Well, it is, but I only know because I looked it up to make sure. That's how I would have spelled it anyway, but I don't think I could generally be considered an authority on the spelling of athletes' last names. :)

Great pictures, by the way!