Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Here are my two facts that I learned a couple weeks ago in Biology and am still delighting in:

Did you know. . . . that throughout your lifetime your body produces enough spit to fill two swimming pools?

There's hope for Bria yet! (even if she doesn't know how to propel it from her mouth:)

Did you know. . . . that you (if you're average) sweat about a cup of sweat a day, even if your sitting in a cool room with little physical exercise? And if that isn't enough, imagine how much you can sweat on a hot day with strenuous activity--up to two gallons!

But as my biology teacher would say (who is a South Carolinan right now and a Florida girl by birth), "We in the South don't sweat, but perspire."

So now try whipping these two facts out sometime when you're at the dinner table. Everyone will be wowed (or sickened) by your vast knowledge! They also might not be able to finish their dinner, but that's okay.

Hmm, I hope they just estimated these figures. I'd hate to see someone actually measuring them all out. . .

So tell me, how does this bit of trivia leave you? Wowed, happy, or utterly grossed out?


Kate said...

ummm, only slightly grossed out, and rather interested and amused. :-)

lis said...

Amused :O)

...and my dinner (which I am eating at the moment) still tastes great!

Aaron said...

"Happy" is probably the closest word of the three for me. I could say "wowed," but "interested" is probably more accurate. At any rate, I wasn't grossed out. :)

lis said...

Happy birthday!

(Yes, I'm late!)
