Wednesday, May 30, 2007

When it rains, it pours

I don't know if you've ever noticed it before, but I have a tendency to blog in sudden bursts. I may go through one long dry spell of no posting at all, but occasionally, when I get the urge to blog, I may be overflowing with ideas. So now you are forewarned that for me (sometimes), when it rains, it pours. So be ready for whenever my spontaneous creativity may suddenly spout forth, and be prepared to take it in big gulps--because the four latest posts might have been written on the same day, so you should read all of them.:)

But anyway, at Clyde's bibleschool graduation weekend my whole family was together for the first time in over a year, so of course we had to take full advantage of the unusual occasion by getting some family pictures taken. Not professionally of course, but if you have someone willing and wonderful like Diane, what more do you need? I've actually been wanting to post this for awhile, but certain complications have prevented me, but now I'm finally here to present to you the NRS family in all their glory! Oddly enough, the first picture that Diane took on the digital camera was taken when she didn't really know it, but it turned out to be my favorite.

Aren't we the cutest family in all the world?
(after yours of course--she says to curry as much favor as possible:)

p.s. If you're wondering, Chad is really the tallest and Clyde is really the shortest (by a very little bit), but the ground slope put them in reverse order of height.:)

1 comment:

Aaron said...

"Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!" I enjoyed all your posts, Kayla. They were supehb. (Not to mention chawming...)