Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prayer makes a difference

Sometimes, there comes a point when we just need to stop trying or worrying and say, "Thy will be done."

I had an opportunity to sort of practice this several weeks ago. As I commenced my summer work here at Fairwood, Kendra came and told me that Mom had just taken Daddy into the ER that morning. To sum it all up briefly, Daddy had a "heart event" in which one artery was 90% blocked and he had to stay in the hospital a couple of days. Shortly after I first heard the news I was sweeping the back hall of the Main House, thinking about him and praying. I don't remember all that went through my head at that time, but one thing I do remember is that after I had prayed and committed Daddy into God's hands, the words of a frequently sung hymn came to me:

Come want or come wealth,
Come life or come death,
Thy will, oh my Father, be done.

I realized then that if I ever meant that song I would have to mean it now. And so, I decided that I could fret and stress, or I could trust God and be fine. I chose to trust God.

It's almost disturbing how peaceful I felt the rest of the week. I was almost worried that I wasn't more worried! Naturally, I got really scared maybe once but trusting God really diminished my fear and anxiety to a low simmering concern most of the time.

I realized later from encouraging notes and from conversations I had with people that all this peace was most likely a result of many people's prayers. So I want to thank you all who prayed for us. Your prayers definitely made a difference!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Prayer does make a difference. I've had that song suck in my head for a couple of days now, thinking about some things I'm having a hard time trusting God with. Thanks for the encouragement!