Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hello, my name is Anonymous

Have you ever wondered about all those deep quotes out there in the world that are attributed to “Anonymous?” Well, here’s another:

“Any loser can win, but it takes a winner to lose with a good attitude.”

~Anonymous (alias: Kayla)

Yep, folks. My name is Anonymous. Here are a couple more anonymous quotes, deemed by Chad and Craig to be quite profound:

“The ones you’ve already seen you’ve already seen.”


“I don’t like movies that I don’t like.”

That is what it is like to be around me. You never know when sparks of wit will fly from my mouth. Just look at all those quotes out there with my name attached to them! I couldn’t make anybody jealous though, so that’s why my name is Anonymous.

There are those out there, however, who do not have scores of incredible wisdom just spouting from their mouths. That’s why they have their names attached to them, ‘cause they gotta get their claim to fame in somewhere! Like here are a couple I saw in the store a couple weeks ago. Ponder these:

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

“Time enjoyed being wasted is not wasted time.”

Spiritually, I don’t agree with that second quote. But in many ways I can see why it makes sense!

If you were wondering, I’m not going to go digging into all the deep quotes I can find. You see, we have smart people all around us that are great at edifying, so now I’m going to recount a few that I scribbled down or remember from girls’ week and the last youth convention’s meetings. If you were there it may be an encouraging reminder:

~ “In every heart there is a God-shaped void.” ~Andrea (or whoever it was)

~ “If nothing is too hard for Him, then with Him nothing is too hard for you.” ~Ari

~ “I need no other sunshine than the sunshine of Thy face.” ~some hymn I can’t remember

~ “You have made us for Yourself, oh Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” ~St. Augustine

~ “Draw me after Thee; we will run together.” ~Song of Sol. 1:4

~ “God doesn’t choose favorites. Each of us is a favorite.” ~Andrea

~ “The highest attainment open to a human being is the knowledge of God.” ~F.W. Sandford

~ “What you feed grows.” ~Andrea

(concerning the verse that nothing can separate us from the love of God) ~ “If nothing can separate us that means I can’t either.” ~Cara

~ “Sometimes I think if other people could see what I’m really like on the inside they wouldn’t really like me, but Jesus already knows what I’m like and loves me anyway.” ~Klara

~ “God holds nothing back that’s really worth it.” ~Anonymous (though I might have gotten it from Andrea)

~ “Your love toward each of Your children—including me—is intensely personal.” ~part of a prayer in our devotion book

Wow, and that was just the girls’week! Sorry if you’re bored, but this is good stuff, so here we go on to the youth convention (and these are just snippets of course)!

“Christianity isn’t just a religion, but a relationship.” ~Daddy (or something like that)

~ “God doesn’t want me to be successful. He wants me to need Him.” ~Mr. Turner quoting Mary’s magnet

~ “Mankind was created to serve, not to be served. . . his first priority should be to bring glory to God.” ~Daddy (quoting somebody?)

~ “Surrender is the key to transformation.” ~Danny

~ (concerning slaying giants) “This is not a game—it’s war.” ~Uncle Tim

~ “Holy and without blemish. That’s the uniform. Jesus died so we could wear it!” ~Uncle Tim (basically)

~ “Nevertheless—I believe God.” ~Uncle Tim

~ “You may have to fight, you may have to fight, but keep right on fighting and never give up.” ~Daddy

~ “You may be big, but Jesus is bigger.” ~Daddy (quoting a story)

~ “Do you have the courage to be a young man or a young woman of valor?” ~Mr. Chuck K.

~ “We will find suffering—the Christian life isn’t easy. However, to be in the Lord’s army is a privilege.” ~Mr. Chuck K. (basically)

~ “We’re not in a worldwide conflict. We’re in a worldwide conquest.” ~ Chuck

~ “When your eyes are on Jesus, you can endure anything.” ~Chuck

~ “No good soldier entangles himself in the affairs of this life.” ~Chuck

And, since the youth convention wasn’t all seriousness, here are a couple quotes I’ve just now mustered from my memory, mostly during the skits. They’re not exact, and you’d definitely have to be there to appreciate them. If you were there, maybe you will:

Aaron: Peter, was this Bible read between the hours of 8 and 10 last night?
Peter: Twelve times.

Zarah (pretending to be Cara as she slaps her biceps): I knew these would come in handy someday.

Richard: Dude, being twenty and in the fifth grade is not all it’s cracked up to be.

Ryan (pride seeping out of every pore): Here I am with my new Wal-Mart fishing pole.

Ryan (in their High Noon rendition skit): And he’s arriving at high noon! (sarcastically) Well what do know, it’s high noon.

Abbie (and people): I’m so glad Diane isn’t here, now I can get some peace and quiet.
Diane (in an impressively high and very loud professional sounding singing voice): I’m hooooooooooome!

Emily: Hey, isn’t that a pie server?
Anonymous: NOOOOO!!! It’s my thinking stick! It helps me think.

Remember Ben trying to scare the bear (otherwise known as Daniel A) away by playing the kazoo? Remember Cara gasping for breath as she gave Gabe his “graduation spanking?” Or the family tug-of-war with everyone against her? Or how about Klara’s hairdo? Phillip being a raccoon? Eric’s impersonation of Andrea? Ben throwing “Andrea” over his shoulder to rescue her? Jacque as the ferocious cook? Aaron and Peter’s hilarious sleuthing techniques?

If you don’t, you’re missing out.

And finally, because the compliment made me so happy, I quote Zarah talking to me:

“You crack me up.”


Aaron said...

Thanks, Kayla! The spiritual quotes were encouraging and good reminders. The others were terrific memories. I loved your pie server quote. It cracks me up, too. :)

wideyed said...

Good post! I'll have to put some of those in my quotes book. When I was little, I had a book of poetry in which several of the poems were attributed to Author Unknown. For the longest time, I was convinced that Author Unknown was the name of a famous poet.