Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I was angry.

Not just a little. A lot. In fact . . .


 If you know me, I may seem phlegmatic on the outside, but you'll know that I feel very strongly about some things on the inside. However, anger is rarely one of those feelings.

But this time it was.

Tears pricked my eyes. I shoveled in my breakfast mindlessly; I barely noticed the sweet pineapple Greek yogurt mixed with my Mom's homemade granola. I fumbled a text on my phone and sent it to several people before grabbing my stuff and heading out the door to work. I was going to need some reinforcements.

Knowing that I was running late, I shoved my stuff into our red Subaru Forester and clambered in. But not before donning my "tops'l." I had some heavy winds to sail through and I wanted to show that I was under authority. Besides, there's nothing like putting on a pure white prayer shield to make you feel like you're girding your loins for battle.

I need not tell you exactly what went on in the next ten minutes. In fact, it would be too personal if I did. A fellow warrior was down, and I was angry. Not angry at her, but angry at the Enemy. How DARE he attack a child of God like that? How DARE he try to bring down my sister in Christ? How DARE he touch a person I love so deeply? I channeled my rage into my faith. I knew that I couldn't do anything on my own to help her, but I knew Who could. Yelling, crying, singing, I wielded the two weapons I knew best: the Name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus. I didn't go to three years of Bible school for nothing. I KNEW that before these mighty instruments of power the Enemy had no choice but to flee.

Suddenly, I was not just a silly girl driving a muffler-less car with a doily on her head.

I was Eowyn, daughter of kings, standing between the Nazgul lord and my comrade. Cold and terrible, I knew my power was pathetic in comparison to my foe's. I knew I was but a weak young woman. That I could wither beneath the dark lord's gaze. But I also knew that the weapons in my hands were more powerful than any I could have imagined. I knew that the Enemy would cower before them. I knew that the One inside of me was just itching for me to use the tools He'd given me so He could finish the job.

 And with that knowledge I struck. Again. And again.

I fought as a woman fights when she is defending all she holds dear.

When I knew that I couldn't sustain the anger any longer, I left my fellow soldier in God's hands. While sitting with my elderly lady at work, I read in Philippians these well-known verses:

"The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:5-7)
After a little more battling, I felt like the rest was really God's job. So, having brought my friend to the Lord at the altar, I left her there.
And you know something else? After I got home from work that evening, I found out that Jesus had suddenly broken through a brick wall for my friend. In one of her darkest hours, He broke through a brick wall wielding flaming ninja swords against her Enemy, just like He did in a dream she told me she once had.
 Right about the time I was driving to work.
This is not a story about how great I am. This is a story about how great God is. About how He answers prayer. Not just my prayers either; I know there were other people praying and battling right by my side--why else do you think I texted in reinforcements? Christians aren't meant to fight alone.
I am here to testify that the weapons we have been given WORK. I know a lot of Christians today get nervous about spiritual warfare, but like it or not spiritual warfare is going on whether we choose to engage in it or not. It might be scary at first, but we don't need to be afraid because greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. The Name of Jesus is Power itself. The Blood He shed for us is just as effective today.
And we know the End of the Story.
Jesus wins.
My friend still needs prayer. It will be awhile before she leaves the woods for good, but I believe the blackest part of the forest is behind her. Jesus brought her through it.
Praise the Lord!!!

1 comment:

Ronsard said...

Wow little sis, you sure can write! Thank you for sharing, and for fighting!