Thursday, February 22, 2007

claim to fame?

 I was in the video rental store today looking at the new release shelf when something caught my eye. It was a DVD, unlike any other DVD, for in bold red letters the title read "KAYLA." Oh my goodness! Has my outstanding reputation finally reached its well deserved fame? Am I finally to reach the zenith of my life, as my marvelous name goes down in history books and is broadcasted all over the world? Will I now be known and loved by all who behold me?(none of this smile fading thing as I walk into ConVal)
Curious, I picked up the DVD so I could scan the plot and see if they portrayed me in the right light. Then I burst out laughing. For lo and behold, I was holding a dog movie! What's more, it seemed to be about a boy building this relationship with his sled dog named Kayla! What's the matter with these people? Is my valued name now to be dragged through the mud by being bequeathed to a canine creature? Now I know how Beethoven would feel if he were alive today to watch movies about a slobbering St. Bernard possessing his name. And just imagine the hurt feelings every Scottish lass must have been having as laudatory reports of Lassie were rampant around the world. Not to mention how crushed some people may have felt when movies came out about Toto, Wishbone, Snoopy, Benji, Chips, and all those other noble heroes in the doggie world. But then again, I think I would have felt crushed already if my name were Toto or Wishbone, so I doubt their situation could have been much worse.
Granted, I s'pose they couldn't have picked a much better title for a movie. . . . even if it is about a dumb dog.
 I guess fame isn't really up my alley anyway.


Aaron said...

Haha! Great post, Kayla! I especially liked the part about people being named Toto, Wishbone, etc. Made me laugh! ☺

Cara said...

I laughed too. :)

lis said...

Much giggling here!

Kate said...

:-) Very funny!