Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hot off the press

The problem with film cameras is that they're just too slow. I love film, but if you're trying to save money like me, by the time you get your film developed the pictures are a month old or so. What's more, if you're also like me, you don't get around to scanning them for another couple months and by the time you think of putting them on your blog they're ancient history! But today I'm changing that. So, although some of the pictures are still over a month old, I'm taking them on the very day I received them, scanning them, and putting them up for all the world to admire my latest masterpieces. Hence, I'm going to put up my favorites in two different posts.

The floating star candle that Meredith gave me for Christmas
(thanks Meredith!)

Um, this is a squashed pumpkin in our front yard. I found it hiding partly under our porch from last fall, and I thought "Color? Photo op!" So I stuck it on our front lawn and when the ice storm came I snapped its picture. The problem is that the ice froze it to the ground, and now it lies buried beneath the snow to wait until spring. Pleasant thoughts. . . .

My favorite sister trying out her new toy!


Aaron said...

I really like the one of the candelabra/chandelier! Nice job! (yes, pleasant thoughts indeed. :)

Anonymous said...

That picture of KMS needs to be blown up and go on the bulletin board at the ITC. Or maybe we could blow it up and use it to play, "Pin the Tail on the nose!"