Friday, June 01, 2007

I'm It!

Oh yeah, I was tagged awhile ago, so here I am responding (finally, Cara!). I would have done it earlier but I didn't want to take the time to think up random facts, but now I'll take a wing at it:

1. Lilacs, Pine Sol, paint thinner, and gasoline have all been on my list of likeable scents. :)

2. I used to eat clover all the time, along with wheat berries, uncooked macaroni, and salt, salt, salt!

3. I've been to 46 states.

4. I never knew how to do a somersault until Laura kindly taught me when I was about ten. I was relieved to widen my skills in an area that I had been embarrassed at my lack of.:)

5. I've had 6-10 teeth pulled out by a dentist or specialist (two teeth being permanent and not my wisdom teeth), had plastic put on my two front teeth to make them grow straight, and have had three teeth knocked out and my tongue split as a result from being knocked by three different peoples' heads.

6. I used to think that our heads were full of nothing but the insides of pretzels, and that my cousin Aaron used to be a girl. Also I would lie awake at night trying to figure out what that strange noise was (my pulse throbbing steadily in my temples). Was it Clyde sleeping nearby? No. I determined that it was my eardrum (since it's an eardrum, it must make a thrumming noise, right?)

7. I almost drowned when I once stepped off the bottom step in the shallow end of a swimming pool. I tried to scream for help underwater but it didn't really work, except producing a stream of bubbles. Luckily my mommy leaped in to save me.:) By the way I was not ten, but four. I may have been a pathetic child not knowing how to somersault, but I wasn't that pathetic.

I hope this isn't lame, but I don't feel like tagging anyone, and I don't know if there's anyone left who even wants to be tagged, so ta ta!


Aaron said...

Don't worry about tagging people. Pretty much everyone has been tagged whether he liked it or not. :)

I used to wonder about the the throbbing-pulse-at-night noise, too! I figured it was my pulse in my ears (soooo close...), but I sometimes could not keep from imagining the noise to be a burglar quietly thumping up the stairs to my room.

Unknown said...

This post made me laugh! Especially the part about you thinking Aaron used to be a younger sister asked him a long time ago if he was. Poor Aaron. :)

The almost-drowning incident is familiar to me too; the same thing happened to me, except I didn't go completely underwater; I was just exhausted from treading water and knew I couldn't make it to the shallow end. My aunt 'saved' me. :)

lis said...

I was terrified when I discovered static electricity one night when I was trying to go to sleep. I think I was in third grade.