Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Preventively & Informatively

To all who may or may not be interested to know, I have an announcement. I am going to Australia. Or, if you don't quite believe what I just said, I'll put it in plainer terms. To Australia, I am going. This may come of no surprise to you, as I may have informed you of it personally myself or maybe you heard it through the wee grape vine, but I thought I would announce it officially so that you're not in the dark. Since Australia is now definitely a part of my life and planning, I may end up mentioning it in a future post, and I don't want you to be like, "Eh, what?" Then you might be all angry at me for not telling you a blooming thing. So this is a preventative post, as well as in informative one.

Now, for the more curious ones, I shall mention that I am leaving for that Down Under continent to which I have been referring to on August the 27th, and am returning September 12. Also I am going with my sister, who happens to have friends there, so that is very convenient in that respect. I know it is rather random that I should be going, but it is quite amazing how events worked out. First, I studied Australia in Geography near the end of the school year and it was one of my very favorite chapters, and I thought, "Huh, I'd love to go there someday." Then I was talking on the phone a couple weeks later with Kendra and she said she was going to Australia. This hit me as rather coincidental, even though I had heard months before that she was going but had completely forgotten. So I said, "Do you mean that if God plopped X amount of dollars into my lap, I could go with you?" Things gradually culminated after that.

Okay, now I'll say it one more time to make it quite clear. I am going to Australia. Savvy?


Aaron said...

Um, I'm not sure I understand. Where are you going?

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

YAY for you and Australia!!! Wish me'n ol' 'Lanche could go too...

KMS said...

Double YAY for going to Australia! YAY for God using wild ideas and making dreams come true! YAY for sister trips! I can hardly wait!!!

Smiles said...

Horray! I am so excited for you!