Thursday, August 24, 2006

For Kim

I think that perhaps another person on my favorite people list is my dear second cousin Kimberly. She has just moved down to Florida for college (not before we had an outing to Chilis as a farewell party), and I know I am going to miss her. Somehow she has just always been a part of my life, right from the beginning, even when many years ago she frightened me in a game where she put on eye shadow and talked about icy fingers around my throat. What I've especially enjoyed the past few years though is getting to know her more and more as a special friend.

I even recall when they were making up decathlon teams, I actually prayed that I would be on Kim's te am because I knew that if anyone could make me feel comfortable and be an exhorter even if our team didn't do well, Kimberly could. This especially happened after a stressful game of indoor soccer that we lost partly because one of the points had been made when the ball bounced off my shin and into the goal. I was on the verge of tears, and Kimberly gave me a big hug and told me honestly that it really didn't matter.

I also remember the time she was editing a movie for us that I had actually already seen (unedited). She actually took the time to pray before the movie and I think I enjoyed the movie triply more than I expected!

I also loved roaming the mall with her last Christmas season when I couldn't be with my mom for shopping reasons but I wanted to be with somebody. We spent the whole time together and talked for most of it! She even took me into her confidence and later had me deliver gifts to her earthling so that Elizabeth wouldn't suspect her. What's more, Elizabeth never did!

There's a lot of positive things I could try to say about Kim, but they would barely skim the surface.

However. . . . . .

Kimberly is fun



great at volle yball



speedy runner

good conversationalist

interesting photographer

strong singer

has a good taste for clothing (I've thought so anyway)

willing to pray and testify genuinely (always something I appreciate in a young person)




seems to love everybody

and is loved by everybody

I appreciate her

she'll leave a hole in the Fairwood circle

I love her

and I'll miss her a lot!

(if you love Kimberly like me, you can comment lots and lots!:D)


Claire said...

Hurray! I love Kimberly too! I'm happy b/c hopefully now that she's in Florida, I'll see her more!

This is so sweet, Kayla. Nice job with the pictures, anecdotes, and descriptive list!

brilynne said...

Well said, Kayla! I will miss KJ too, and not just because of her sweet editing skills!

Aaron said...

Kim's nice. :)

KMS said...

Ah, yes. Agreed. Kimberly is grrreat!

Cara said...

I LOVE Kimberley! You've gotta love anyone who lets you borrow their shirt for a month. :) And yes, that movie was wicked awesome. (Must say it again) I Love Kimberley!

lis said...

I love Kimberly!

Once in Israel, while meeting a complete stranger, I was oh-so-certain that she would be nice, as soon as I heard that her name was "Kimberly." How could I think otherwise, after all the good connotations loaded into that name by KJ herself?


KJ said...

WOW!WOW!WOW!WOW!WOW! This is a little late but I just ran across this wonderful post as I was reading through stuff and how on earth do I say THANK YOU!!!!! That was SUCH a boost and so much fun to get when I'm 21 hours away from most of you! (Only 6 Claire... I'll be up sometime) Words of Affirmation is my Love Language so Thank you all so much for making me feel SO loved!!!

KJ said...

And Have a GRAND time in Austrailia you lucky girl!! I'll try to remember to pray for you! You're so brave to do so much by yourself (although I guess you didn't have much choice...) But I know you know that Jesus is with you so all will be well! Have FUN!
(and nice pix you have of me... especially that middle one!)