Wednesday, August 30, 2006

From Aussie Land

All right, here I am!!! This is going to be fairly quick; perhaps I can give a lengthier report later. So far I am really enjoying Australia and Australians. Kendra and I are forever pointing at flowers, trees, and birds, and saying, "What's that called?" Other than that, driving on the left side of the road (very freaky!), and accents, Australia is mostly like my home in April. Well, maybe.

So far, I've heard Root Beer compared to fly spray, American coffee compared to burnt rubber, and Starbucks compared to dish washer fluid. Hmm. Australians' general opinion of Americans? We're "tall poppies" that need to be cut down to size. Despite this, Australians are certainly not rude; they have a great sense of humor, are quite friendly, and have great accents. I'm working on mine!

Yesterday we took the train to Melbourne took a little look at the city. We even went to the State Library and found an article about the Coronet's visit in their newspaper archives! Uncle Tim is probably very proud of us.:D

Another thing we did was go to China town to get some Chinese with Amanda's (our friend) Vietnamese friend. We silly Americans think we "like Chinese" but little do we know! The stuff that we call Chinese is barely the real deal. It was hard choosing from the lengthy menu. Hmm. . . fried eel?. . . seaweed?. . . pig's stomach? Kendra and I ended up ordering duck with noodles in boiling soy sauce.

All right, perhaps I'll write something more another time! Ta ta for now!


KJ said...

Hurray! I'm so glad you can update from there and that things are going well and you're having fun! Keep up the enjoyment of it all and report when you can and have the energy to!

Aaron said...

Great post, mate (mate - n. mite: an Australian friend)! Keep us updated! What's Australian coffee like?

Cara said...

Can't wait to hear that accent!!!

Smiles said...

Welcome to the other side of the globe! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!
Just think. I have close frinds in 4 continints right now!

lis said...

Wow, I'm impressed by your little archive visit!

Cheech said...

Please save some pigs stomach for me! :)

Mrs. RF said...

I enjoyed your post! Keep em comin' So glad you got there safely.