Monday, January 22, 2007

three totally different topics of my day

I was playing volleyball. Near the back row, the volleyball came crashing to the floor, and I ran forward. . . . I wasn't quite going to make it. . . so I stuck my foot way out to kick it, barely missing--bang!!! Then I woke up. Whoops, I just kicked the wall, and pretty soundly too. It also happened to be the wall that sits right next to my parents' heads right on the other side. I wondered if my mom would come see if I was okay, but she never did. Nevertheless, Daddy asked me curiously the next morning to see if I knew what the bang in the night was. I guess my dreams can get a little too graphic.
My geometry teacher made me laugh today. To look at him, you wouldn't expect him to make you laugh. After all, he has a rather serious face and he has to rush quickly through the half hour class to cover a lot of material (plus he only has thirty lessons to teach me everything he knows:). However, every once in awhile he randomly says these amazing things. Today he was writing the familiar terms sine, cosine, and tangent on the chalkboard.
"Now this one," he said, pointing to the last one. "Is what you call a guy who stays out on the beach for a long time."
Then he went right on in the next sentence as if nothing had happened, while in the meantime I burst out laughing. I love puns, and that was an especially good one, and just the type of thing you'd expect from a geometry teacher. Who ever heard a tangent being referred to as a "tan gent" anyway?
I saw one of the varsity basketball players that Clyde works with at Conval today (never mind his name, it probably wouldn't mean anything to most of you anyway). What's more, he saw me, and I think he recognized me. Well, at least I think he did. The reason why I think he did is that he was smiling, and when he saw me his smile faded. Therefore, out of all the possibilities of why he stopped smiling, I choose to think the best one: that he recognized me.(that's my most hopeful conclusion)


KJ said...

Crazy ConVal guy... how dare he STOP smiling when he saw you... I'd better come up there and teach him some manners. :) It was an amusing conclusion though.

And I've had similar wall-kicking dreams before -- they're pretty startling! One time I woke up after kicking my cat off my bed. :)

Haha... tangent... it took me a little bit, but I did get it before you explained it!

Aaron said...

I've done that sort of thing with dreaming before, although I'm usually trying to run away and the blanket stops me and I wake up in a panic.

I didn't get the "tan-gent" pun before I read your explanation, but I agree it's a good one. :)

Unknown said...

Tangent, HAHAHA!!! Good one, Mr. Geometry Teacher. :)

Same here with the dream thing. I've woken up punching my pillow before, and once when my alarm woke me up, I heard it in my dream and dropped a tea cup I was holding. Just before it crashed, I woke up. :)