Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Blissful completion!

I forgot to mention it before, but recently I finished another story!!! Huraaaaayy!!! Perhaps you didn't know it, but I happen to enjoy writing, and fiction is something that also happens to be up my line of interests. If you've read my blog for a long time you probably have gathered that, but since you might not have, I thought I should tell you.:)

Anyway, at long last, my latest masterpiece is complete! Or the first draft anyway. I started it last winter sometime and have been inching my way along since then until a week and a half ago I was so overcome with inspiration that I spent hours on end brainstorming on my dad's lap-top. I wrote a couple hours on Saturday, then a couple hours on Sunday afternoon, and to top it all off, after dinner I sat down and wrote for four hours straight! But it was worth it.

If you've never written a story you probably don't know exactly how blissful I'm feeling. It's kind of like finishing a monstrous school paper except it's even more delightful, because unlike the monstrous school paper it comes completely from your own imagination and you enjoy every bit of it. The 34 pages are now finished and resplendent in all their glory. The problem is that I'll probably never be wholly satisfied with the final product, and I'm not a huge fan of editing either. . . but barring that I am a very happy writer indeed!

p.s. and there's no point in asking me to post this one because it probably won't be ready for the public eye for ages.


Aaron said...

I'm kind of the opposite. I'm not a huge fan of writing, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE editing. :)

Good for you for finishing the draft. I've started a good number of such projects that have never made it past page four.

Anonymous said...

YES!!! I love that feeling... Once, I stayed up until 2:30 in the morning just to finish a short story.