Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cow Day *at last*

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! We have so much to be thankful for! So I am now going to celebrate this momentous occasion by designating this as Cow Day. Sorry, it isn't Turkey Day (they weren't willing to pose for me:) , but just plain Cow Day. Hurray, finally it dawned on me that my pictures weren't saved as jpegs, so no wonder they were like 2.49 MB and therefore almost impossible to upload with dial-up!hehe Anyway, here are the beloved cows at last.

I'm afraid that these cows are not Australian, but they are Canadian! Can't you tell? Craig and I actually took these as we drove down a little country road in Pugwash. As we passed by this cow pasture, we noticed how they were all gathered round with their back sides facing outward, and of course we naturally concluded that this bizarre scene would make an amusing photo. So presto, out of the car we hopped. Then, with some timidity we crouched on the edge of somebody's lawn to get our perfect shots, chuckling all the while and hoping fervently that no one would see us--if they did, they might think we were crazy!

I wouldn't blame them if they did.:)

We soon leave for Bill and Cherylin's where we shall gorge ourselves till we burst. Hope your food is as good as ours!


lis said...

Yesp, our food was good. Hope yours is too!

lis said...

Huh. Guess I invented a new word. Clever me. :O)

Aaron said...

LISA! How could you "hope" our food would be good?!?!?!


Great pictures, Kayla. Glad you finally posted them.