Monday, June 13, 2005

An indecisive choice

I am now going to explain my blog address. Perhaps you've been wondering where something like that came from (Clyde thinks I'm really weird because of it). Frankly, choosing a name was literal agony. For those who know me, decisiveness is not my constant quality--I can very much relate to someone like Melissa or Craig, who are famous for their indecision. Perhaps a dozen different names swam through my noggin, how empty it may be, and I could find very little that was satisfactory. Ideas varied from the odd "Pigpen" to the more eloquent "king'sdaughtervictorious." I was really suffering. Craig even tried to be helpful. He gave the suggestion This quite tickled me, but tempted as I was, I didn't think I could quite stand going to a site named such for the next several months. Who wants their address named dogsnot anyway?

I was browsing in Encarta (our 2003 computer reference library that's abounding in knowledge) about quotes concerning the pen. I pondered on one quote by Sir Walter Scott, "I'll make thee famous by my pen, and glorious by my sword." I liked it, but having an address like "famousbymypen" sounds a bit too proud. Then I came to it. The quote by Miguel de Cervantes: "The pen is the tongue of the mind." Thus another idea was sprouted, and apparently that was the one that grew.

1 comment:

drewey fern said...

I love it! So beautifully literary. Good decision.