Saturday, June 25, 2005

Little Black Sambo

Last night after Sabbath meeting we were discussing some of the things posted on Katie's blog about her mom and my mom. They are a pair when their jaws start flapping at eachother in continuous teasing (all loving of course:). I guess my mom used to call her Little Black Sambo some years back, which was rather amusing. I had never heard the term before, so I was inquiring in wonderment where it could have originated. My dad came up with an astonishing reply something like this, "You know, the story about the lions that ran in circles that then melted into butter and poured molasses on their pancakes." Their was a brief moment of stunned silence before my mother and I went off into peals of laughter. My dad grinned, but he was adamant that yes, there was some sort of fairy tale like that which had a Little Black Sambo in it, and just because I had never heard of it didn't mean it doesn't exist. My mom did discover the book with Little Black Sambo in it this morning. However, whether it has lions melting into butter will yet remain a mystery.


wideyed said...

That's funny! I was trying to remember where I had heard that name...

Claire said...

Yes, we had a book and corresponding record when I was little, recounting this very tale. I thought it was tigers that melted into butter. But it must be lions because tigers don't live in Africa. It would make the tale geographically incorrect. But some carnivorous animal DID melt into butter at the end.